Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Of OUR the READERS: Take another view of U.S. larva cars

January 14, 2008

Toyota is to be respected organization, but it does not earn the praise Lewis Diuguid, that on it in its January. 11 column is accumulated up (”United States car companies benoetigen QualitaetsRemake”).

Fixed point of the Toyotas for manufacturing outstanding achievement war Ford. That example, which market inventory management of the American supermarkets and was protected that forwards foreign competition and by die United States taxpayers subsidized war, Toyota to the create Toyota Production system permitted, now flexible repeats Production within America as lean thinking and.

And guidance of the Fords — where the founder carrier with soyaabgeleiteder color produced, die on ethanol or gasoline ran, used prepared dispatch materials for frame components with raw the materials, die by first fully electrified railway that of America, imported security as standard in the fifties was supplied (seat belts and filled up impacts), developed ICEs, die on hydrogen fuels in the seventies ran, and is one largest investors worlds in fuel cell development — is to be applaudiert record.

This company, that is with Klimaclean UP at the rouge complex with climatic (vegetative roof) and more supportable business practice precedes (reducible carriers) and returns storm more water to the Rouge FlussWasserscheidereinigungsmittel, than it became to receive.

In the long view has Ford far more quality and sustainability than Toyota. That is effort, which by myth and wrong conceptions are not praised and become lively, will dismiss should.

Clamp companion

Competitive factors

Why did it become buy an American car, you ask? I driving Pontiac a 1999 great Prix (original more owner) 148,000 miles on him has; V6, 3,8 engine.

I receive 22 miles per gallon around city and 29-30 on highway. How many do 4-cylinder cars, foreign or not, give me, to the kind of the mile number with the energy and the size Pontiac? I change the oil regularly, have put on three sets of rubber tires, two for batteries, a tune UP with 100.000 miles and have still stock impacts, blow-off absorbers and converters. What could more I do ask of one car? And, most importantly, die profits went to a American-possessed company.

Diuguid says that, in order to compete, must United States automakers more efficient fuel and if Toyota it can do, box we like that to be.

Well, I guess, as soon as America health insurance supplies lifetime use to all, how Japan makes available, and safe pensions, its currency manipulates in favor of United States more worker, foreign imported goods like die Japan and other countries, steals publicly patented technology, how China, environment soils, and treats its automobile industry as important value in, we’ll in that is to compete in the global stage.

Bill Sachs

Global industry

In the reality, die idea of the house employing and more foreignautohersteller exists no more longer; both are more over multinational conglomerates of this a produce multiplicity of the products of everything the globe.

The American automobile market is straight division their efforts Die foreign vehicle identification plates — Japanese and European — is buildings production service in United States and occupation American in one effort to market their carriers to the American consumers been.

I applaudiere this effort. American automakers, on the other hand, forced their suppliers, out production our the country as Kw_costeinsparung measure to shift, and results in an enormous loss of the American jobs.

Our country led world in manufacturing innovation in the middle in 20 Century. Is the we, to to believe that the same aid pool, for which the “arsenal of the democracy” did not cause die technological authority — too say nothing of the desire — to of of cars, die compete next to each other can, from of mile by mile, and year by year to establish with civic honda or Toyota Korolla?

People, which buy those vehicle identification plates regard it as years, it for hundreds thousands of the reliable miles driving. Their American competitors bend for months to be rented and with 10 thousand miles “forwards they necessity work,” on, who point rents to be inside turned the consumer then different. Nice racquet, how?

American automakers cannot repeat the long-term view to regard; doing drives so fort to hurt their final result and economic well its our nation.

Tim brooks

Essential to America

I found Lewis Diuguids invective extremely wrongly informed against United States automakers. Diuguid offered no evidence somehow to the kind support its illustration on, and instead offered a very tired Rehash standard of the Invective against the large Three. more Further, the economic health large Three is still vital for the economic health this the country. Kw_they United States do not only employ workers, but you profits remain into United States, one point, on many lost on the whole war.

I Diuguid to visit Ford, GR. or Chrysler Dealership his choice and take of most eye opening test to invite, which is drive of its life.

Lawrence D Hadley

Years of improvements

After all years of the quality improvements and the greater fuel economy by GM, Ford and more Chrysler drive they still fort to keep gehammert with wrong accusations.

I am of seeing the continuing violent of striking United States automakers the tired and constant position behind foreign the automakers, if its quality fallen has and the recalls snap up.

Lewis Diuguid and other one like it necessity applicable to buy American carriers to begin and actually cars and die trucks improved, is see how much die. The beginning, which reports on focused and on truth and possibly, straight possibly, die so-called Americans, switches its loyalties back to United States car manufacturers again.

Kenneth Alan Scholfield

Facts changed

When reading off Lewis Diuguids from of column over United States car quality, I looked to the side to top volatilely, in order to guarantee that I paper measured value of todays and not one 15-20 years before war. If you withdraw then, die authors knew express opinions such as Diuguids over United States car manufacturer without sources or objectively measured data quoting; they were comfortable, knowing that informed sources and existing data would affirm their criticisms.

But in last months story, after story, it has on die data reported die to confirm that entire quality and reliability are comparable United States cars ‘ with those cars the asiatic manufacturers — and that many drivers find, die more ambitious fuel economy states to be unrealistic in material world conditions.

Die facts changed, even if conception of the changes slows down. Diuguid should on newer report of the objective data, customer experience, the etc., but the I saw no such references examined.

Kenneth S. Brown

Receive with the times

Lewis Diuguids column on United States auto the industry uncovered a terrible lack from facts and from resulting incorrect argumentation. Some minutes of the study, at of of out to find which in one of our major industries, would have uncovered die absurdity of its argumentation happens.

Yes, gives it an expenditure for marketing, if one receives car customers back to the American companies, but it is not because of lack fully the competitive products. Before die theory planned becoming outdated went out decades.

Lee Miskowski

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